Reliance Jio revealed its new "All in One" plan on Wednesday, and three days later, Vodafone Idea and Airtel launched their revised tariff plans. All three private telecommunications operators have announced plans to raise tariffs earlier after financial conflicts have damaged the industry for some time. Reliance Jio's new all-in-one plan will take effect on December 6, 2019. The new all-in-one plans launched by Reliance Jio are divided into 1-month, 2-month, 3-month, 12-month and affordable plans. Based on 28 days per month, the 1-, 2-, and 3-month plans are valid for 28 days, 56 days, and 84 days, respectively. The 12-month plan is valid for 365 days. However, the affordable plan is a mix of three plans, valid for 28 days, 84 days, and 365 days. Read also: All-in-one solution from Reliance Jio; prices start at Rs 199. Compared to Vodafone Idea and Airtel's new tariff plans, Reliance Jio's all-in-one plan stands out because the other two operators haven...