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Coronavirus | Be on guard even after vaccination, PM Modi urges people

The preparations for the vaccination program are in the final phase, says Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Thursday that preparations for the COVID-19 vaccination program were in the final stages.

After laying the groundwork for the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Rajkot through video conferencing, he said that people would receive the vaccine made in India and urged people not to lose their vigilance and to be strict to adhere to coronavirus prevention norms after vaccination.

“I used to say, ‘Dawai nahi toh dheelai nahi’. Now I say ‘Dawai bhi aur kadaai (caution) bhi’. Our mantra for the year 2021 is ‘Dawai bhi aur kadaai bhi’.

The Prime Minister said India is preparing for the world’s largest vaccination program, noting that India has become the nerve center of global health.

“Watch out for rumors”

He warned people of rumors about the COVID-19 vaccination.

“Different people spread different rumors because of their personal gain or irresponsible behavior. Perhaps when the vaccination starts, rumors will spread, some have already started, ”he said.

“I appeal to the people of the country who are fighting COVID-19, against an unknown enemy. Be careful of such rumors and do not post any messages on social media to responsible citizens without checking. “

Regarding medical education in the country, Modi said his government was working on mission mode to improve this in India. In the past six years, work has started on 10 new AIIMS, some of which are in operation. “Twenty super specialty hospitals are also being built in the country,” he said.

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