Mr. Modi also gave the army the Arjun Mk-1A indigenous main battle tank, which was designed and developed by a Chennai-based DRDO unit. Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled several key projects in Tamil Nadu on Sunday at the Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor Stadium. He also Handover of the local Arjun Mk-1A main battle tank , designed and developed for the Army by a Chennai-based DRDO unit. In the presence of Governor Banwarilal Purohit, Prime Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami and other dignitaries, Modi inaugurated the Chennai Metro Rail’s Phase I expansion, which was completed at a cost of £ 3,770. He also commissioned the passenger traffic from Washermenpet to Wimco Nagar. This 9.05 km extension would connect northern Chennai to the airport and main train stations. Also read: PM modes in TN, Kerala live updates The Prime Minister also laid the groundwork for the expansion, renovation and modernization of the Grand Anicut Canal System. The canal is important for irrigation in the Cauve...